Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Office Moving ....Magic help......(lazy to type in Chinese tonight)

We are moving office to new location ! For most people might be nothing or just reorganizing files. But for me , I need to deal with more than 13 computers plus 4 new PCs , install all of the new softwares, network security setting, network user setup, authorize users...... more and more . How much time I have , I plan ... 2 days , including my sleeping, get David ready to school , taking him to recreation center for classes, driving, helping him with homework , reading, and more.....
You know what kind person I 'm , I WANT things done, then I MEAN get it done now. .... I wish I have magic ...... ..
See the stress...... ....


Louisa said...


Talking about the work.... I don't know about you, but I had enough working with Americans.... Sometimes you really wonder what's in their brain??? And it ends up "we" have to do everything because we are faster, and the boss wants to get things done in a smart way, of course.

I'm writing a blog about this. We can bitch and moan together then.


Angel said...
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Angel said...

luckily , my boss is really understandable and nice. I work for a small company. with kid , he gives me enough flexible working hours. Sometime I feel like he is a family and a nice friend. So , I think that's why I willing to work hard...... ......

Sabrina said...

喔 辦公室搬遷 跟搬家一樣麻煩 光想就頭痛 有了小孩後 東西只有增加沒有減少 若真的搬家 還真是件大工程耶 加油吧 只能說: 精神與妳同在 妳~一~定~可~以~做~到~的

看來美國真的是很重視家庭耶 我以前也是遇到一位曾在美國工作的老板 為了帶孩子 曾讓我在家工作5個月 只是兩邊我還是無法兼顧(老公太常出差了 小孩年紀又接近一樣小 我媽脊椎要開刀 一大堆問題) 最後還是痛心放棄工作 >_<