Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trick or Treat night !!

今天學校有halloween party 和 trick-or-treak night 我中午就請假去學校幫錢錢拍照
這是錢錢的全班同學 蜜蜂是老師 Mrs. Williams 我還做了棒棒糖去學校 只是來不及拍小朋友就吃光了下課後 錢錢的同學來家裡玩 前面打完籃球 就到後院去玩葉子 也好現在我只要準備裝到垃圾桶就好了
跳到葉堆裡 快樂的樣子這是我替他們準備的點心 那杯子裡的是布丁蟲 像眼球的那是白煮蛋 熱狗和手指麵包 手掌果涷加柳橙汁 看錢錢吃蟲的表情 錢錢在家門前準備發糖 今年錢錢不想去要糖 只想發糖 後來因為同學的不停的邀約 就去要了約一小時的糖果小帥也來玩吔 發糖喔!!!!小帥說 :哥哥 我拿你的送給別人吃 好不好

Sunday, October 25, 2009

小小富士 我們來了 Little Fuji , here we come!! & 聽老婆的準沒錯

錢錢這個週末 生病了 發燒 咳嗽 好多痰 本來不想去採蘋果的 可是星期日居然好像好了一大半 就以本人愛玩的個性 再度拉著兒子出門去 吸點新鮮的空氣也好 可是大半時間錢錢都在車上 因為他說他很累 只有下來拍拍照而己, 也因為去的晚 所以 都只剩小小富士 可是還是很甜 很多汁 所以就小小顆的採了一袋回家享用
可是 下午 T.J. 告訴我說 他下午去採時 很聽老婆的話 向後走了一點 那裡都沒啥人 結果採到又大又甜的富士 這件事給了我們一則啟示 聽老婆的準沒錯

媽媽 我累了 我要回車上 I'm tired , I need to back to the car...

十月十五 太冷了 沒人來玩 10/15 Dubline Recreation

錢錢愛的halloween 保齡球
受不了了 太冷了 我拉著錢錢進室內去 I can't stand it , it was too cold to stay outdoor. so I dragged David to indoor .
I don't allow David to take off coat ,so.... the face was not very happy ....

以前dublin 的recreation center 辨 halloween party 總是人山人海 今年實在是太冷了 大家都躲在家裡不出門 可是我還是拉著兒子去逛一逛晃一晃

Monday, October 12, 2009

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series #4

這本Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series #4 今天 (10/12/2009) 才release 晚上我就到書店去買給錢錢了 從一到三集他都有 還有一本自己的創作本

Sunday, October 11, 2009


三個男生 不需要啥玩具 只要有空地就好了 自然可以打成一團
Allen Check out Cory ...ha... 小帥在玩cory的臉
Check out he snake
媽媽和buckeye 汽球

Asian Pear 粗皮的梨子

不要嫌了 這裡吃的到粗皮的水梨就很好吃啦!!! 一年也只有一次 上次去荊山家 麗君給了我們好多他們自己種的 就好甜 好好吃 今年正好果園有開放 所以又採了一些 人好多啊 所以我們採到的也不多 再加上沒帶"武器" (削刀 水果刀) 所以有點遺憾
Don't complain , if we can have asian pear here , we are consider as LUCY , ok !!! I know we have more fruit selections and qualities in CA , vancourver, .......But the Asian Pear is really Juicy and sweet , so I will take it and no complain at all . Especailly only once a year
There are a lot of people in the farm to pick the Asian Pear.... so we didn't pick a lot.
I try to carry my apple cider 錢錢提著自己買的apple cider

媽是一定要和花拍幾張相 才行的
排隊付錢 get in the line to pay for the cide
這好遇到michael 看他被我捏成這樣 想我住在Michael家時 他和現在錢錢才一樣大 ( 八歲) 現在己經是個"大男生" 了 唉 時光飛逝 Run into my cousin Michael. When I stay in Michael's home, Michael was in David's age (8) . now .... Time flies , what can I say He is a big man now!!!!! See , How I "squeeze" his face ...ha..
michael 和ellen。 上報了

Monday, October 5, 2009


<-- 再見了 我的門牙牙橋 Goodbye , my front teeth bridge ....
<-- you can tell I'm missing left side of teeth. 你可以看到 我左邊的牙齒不見了
錢錢挖冰淇淋 要給我吃 他說他上次抜牙 我也是給他冰淇淋吃 David is serving ice cream for me, because he said , last time when he got his teeth pull out, I gave him ice cream , so he wants to do the samething for me.
我的牙不好 在台做好的沒清乾淨 從牙根壞起 只好把牙橋都拆了 抜了 還好我在這有個好牙醫 抜掉後 三個月再種植牙 礙於這是家庭部落格 有血有肉的不能post 我怕嚇死大家
I have dntal problem, but I also have BAD lucy for my teeth too... I got the front teeth bridge done in Taiwan. somehow the one of the teeth didn't get complete clean, so.... it rot from the root. so whole bridge has to go.... Today I got my teeth pull out (need to done by oral surgery) .... Lucy for me , I have good dentist in ohio , she always helps me out. So she is going help me fix the problem. Due to the blood , I don't think I should post it. Maybe I can post it for Halloween....ha...

Volcano 火山

醋裡加紅色素和吉利丁 再加小蘇打 就爆炸了!!! vinegar+red coloring+gelatin Add on baking Soda !!!! Ya!!!!! Lava is here...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

狗跳水比賽 Dog diving contest

泠 可是有狗跳水比賽 所以錢錢和我在那看了快两三個小時 要不是錢錢的同學jacob 要來家裡我看 錢錢還會再看下去
It's cold, but David and I sent almost 3 hours there to watch the contest. If Jacob was not coming over , we would be there forever, I think ....ha...