Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Allan is "Reading" 小帥讀書

錢錢看書 小帥也要跟著看 好認真的樣子 連書都拿反了 David is reading a book. So does Allan. He focus so well.. but ..I think the book is upside down..!!!only 2 minutes , Allan already "Dig out" all of the books in the bags , boxes, toys... even toilet paper.... 只有二分鐘 小帥就可以把書從袋子 箱子裡扔出來 還有玩具 連衛生紙也不放過

David's 2nd Recital 錢錢的第二次鋼琴表演

David's Piano Teacher Teresa
Peter,Clair , Teresa (back row ) Liam, David, Austin(front Row)

錢錢在要表演前的一個月課本不見了 跟amazon 訂結果沒送到 搞了半天到要表演前的二天才送到 才加緊 練了 一下 . 看的出來錢錢有點緊張 我想可能是練習不夠吧 David lost his piano book ( part is my fault) around month ago. finally , I reordered from Amazon 2 weeks ago, but the order was send to wrong address... so we didn't get the book until 2 days before the recital. You can see David is a little bit nervous I think part of reason is he didn't have enough practice

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Coloring Eggs 彩蛋喔!!!

Aunt Angel , are you ready ??!!!! Allan is ready to color the egg. 阿姨 你嘛卡緊吔 我己經準備好要彩蛋了吔
彩蛋中 in the process of coloring eggs
彩蛋中 in the process of coloring eggs
讓我小帥"上"桌瞧個仔細 !!! Allan needs to "GET" on top of table to "check out" all the eggs.
Look our "Colorful eggs" 看我們的彩蛋

錢錢手上拿的是有笑臉的彩蛋 小帥還在想要拿那一個 David is holding a "smily" coloring egg. Allan is not sure which one he should pick.
小帥說: 你看藍色的蛋吔 Allan : blue Egg!!!!
All our eggs - has each person's name , English , Chinese, some smily face.. some dots... So... We had "Creative Coloring Egg" ... 我們的彩蛋 有每個人的名字 中英文 都有 還有笑臉 小點點 .... 結論是 我們有一個創意彩蛋

Kroger "easter hunt"

Kroger had the "easter hunt" in the store. so we took David and Allan for half hour quick hunt in kroger store. There are several candy baskets in the store , you will need to find the location and items to get the candy . of course, we broght home a LOT of suger , again. kroger 有復活節尋寶活動 我們就到那去玩了一下 你要先找到部門在那再找糖藏在那個東西下 當然有帶了一堆垃圾糖回家
Picture with bunny --1 Allan is wondering who is this "GUY" holding me???? 小帥不停的看 是誰在抱我
要哭了 錢錢快的安慰小帥 Allan doesn't want to take photo with Mr. Bunny! David told him it is not real , it's ok...
See. David is taking the photo with Mr. Bunny
ps 這是我謝小帥吃优格的方式 看見了嗎!!This is the way Allan eats Yogurt .

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rita's italian ice and games

每年春天的一天 Rita's 都有免費的冰可以吃 這次正好遇到星期六 Rita's就在早在中文學校附近 一下完課我和錢錢就跑去吃的檸檬冰和西瓜冰. Rita's always has the "free Italian ice" on 1st day of spring. we don't usually go , but this time , it is on Sat. and near by Chinese School. So , after class, David and I went there for some free ice. He had watermelon favor and I had Lemon favor. Look at the line
We are watch Movie 我們在看電影
sports ohio 有open house 所以就帶錢錢去玩玩了 踢踢球 看起來還有架式 看來這幾年來足球的學費沒白繳
Sports ohio had open house. David and I went to visit. the indoor soccer field is nice.
Of course , they have indoor inflatable slide and other stuff... David had good time there and asked me for a "milk-shake" to cool himself off. .

i-la's visiting

我家都沒女生 所以一有小女生來訪我們就特別的高興 I-la 的媽媽是日本女生 爸爸是美國人 這小女娃個性很像男生喔 越可怕的遊戲她愈喜歡 好樣的 . We don't have little girl in our family, so we LOVE to have baby girls around our house. I-la's mom is Japanes , Dad is American. I think she gets most from Dad. She is very cute girl. big eyes, lovely smiles.... SO cute..adorable...看她捉小帥 小帥跑的樣子 氣死我了 把妹的膽量要訓練 . She wants to play with Allan, look at Allan , he tries to run away .... Oh!!! Allan .... I think I need to train you to not run away from girls... This is VERY important for you in the future. ha... I think I worry too much ..ha..

Sat. Sparring and Bluffsview Carnival 學校園遊會和對打練習

錢錢喜歡去星期六上午的對打課 因為可以練習機會比較多還可以看到黑帶大哥大姐們的"狠勁" David likes to go to Sat. Sparring Class , because he can practice more and also watch the "black belts" sparring.

Bluffsview Elementary had Spring Carnival this Sat. we have 40 minutes to play before we went to Chinese School. So David used his time very well to play almost all of the games in school. 錢錢的小學 星期六有園遊會 我們只有40分鐘可以玩就要去上中文學校 錢錢這到很會利用時間 短短的時間內幾乎玩遍所有的game 抱了一堆垃圾玩具回家
錢錢半毛錢都沒抓到 David didn't catch one penny in this game.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lazy me.... just posting some photos

Jump on my chest.
Golden Corral