Saturday, January 30, 2010

9th Birthday Party

一月29日就我和錢錢 錢錢還流鼻涕 決定在家好好看pokemon 和吃零食過一晚 Jan 29 is David's birthday , since he still has running nose , we decided to stay home eat some junk food, and watch pokemon whole night.
Dinner: Chicken salad crossiant , salad and soup. small cake for both of us.
David and Mom
等朋友的到來 party 就要開始了, wait for all of the friends..then the party will start.

David is going to fly over Andy to do the Front side kick to break the board.
David is helping Mr. Boles doing the introduction Class 錢錢在當mr boles 的小助手
Start to play the game "Paddle Ball"

MR. Boles is going to use sword cut the cake. Mr. Boles 要用武士刀切蛋糕
錢錢的生日蛋糕 David's birthday cake
All the kids

Fossil and lunch with mom's friend

Try to find the Fossil 挖化石喔!!!
Jenny, Lynn,Angel,Kim,David and Connie ,婉真 lynn 要回台了喔!!! 所以趁要回去的前一天 吃個午飯


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

two implants

don't want to post the photos right now. Two implants in the mouth , some incision.. some stitches ... first day is not easy ... hurts ...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Trans-Siberian Orchestra- David's First indoor Orchestra in Nationwide Arena

New album "Night Castle" on the verge of being released, Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO)

Thanks Ellen invited David for Orchestra concert. David and Sebestain had wonderful time.This Orchestra concert is very especial . They use the rock-n-roll style, plus the light. All of the things make David's first indoor conert more especial. 謝謝Ellen 阿姨請錢錢和我去聽這個orchestra 的演奏會 很特別的是用rock 的方式表演 加上燈光 讓錢錢的第一次 的室肉concert 就很特別
David said !!! YA!!! We are here

Video - Part of the Orchestra

ready to go home 準備回家了

Friday, January 1, 2010

16F- first Ski 零下7度的第一次滑雪課

住在ohio 年年冬天都下雪 如果小朋友沒滑過雪 那真的說不過去 媽媽我的滑雪技術只在於"不跌倒"即可的地步 所以啦 就去上課啦 包括lefting ticket rental equipment 2hr lesson and hot coco $52
We live in Ohio where has snow every winter. I think it would be odd that kid never ski in Ohio. For me , my ski skill is in "pre-school" level which is keep myslef not fall too many time. So David took his first ski lesson on 2010 New year day !!!! The Ski lesson costs $52, it is 2 hours , including all day lefting ticket, rental equipment and a hot coco.
錢錢試穿滑雪鞋 The staff helps David to pick up proper ski shoe.
Waiting for the Class start and friends arrive.等著朋友們來集合和開始上課
開始了喔!!!! 先了雪融為朋友 Class start, Now, get use to the snow!!!
媽媽來玩的 I just put on all of the equipments and took a picutre for fun

Teach David how to stop 教錢錢如何剎車
上"小山丘" get up to "small hill"
David and Liam
Ski down
Hot Chocolate break

Lunch time , thanks Christ family's homemade goodies
sit near by the fire place , my favor place 。 you don't feel too cold on the chest or leg. the worse parts are the hands and feet , especially I don't have snow shoe.坐在我的最愛處 火爐邊 身上是不泠 冷的是手和腳 我又沒穿雪鞋
Thanks Chris take this photo for us in the lodge 謝謝荊山幫我們拍
成果影片 -1

成果影片 - 2

錢錢說很好玩 如果不是我一直叫他進屋 我想他是會一直在那玩的 David said it is really fun . I think if I don't keep "beg" him to get in the lodge , he might stay outside and play all day


Surpise gift from Ellen!!