Saturday, September 25, 2010

some photo in school

Thanks David's Teacher Miss Anne.She updates class blog everyday , wirtes down what kids did in school and homework , that's wonderful for parents who has to work during daytime and want to know what did their boy/girl do each day!

Monday, September 20, 2010

calligraphy 書法

One of the parents in the class teaches kids calligraphy in the morning each week. 其中一位家長教小朋友寫書法
Teaching David how to hold the Chinese writing pen brush 教錢錢如何握筆

David wrote his name (3rd one from right on the top row)

Soccer Time in the morning 晨間足球
David in the Health Center to bandage. because he fall while playing soccer. 跌倒了 要去保健室擦藥

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mom & Kid

It is hard for a mom, especially when the kid cried and told you "I need to do this by myself , because it is the way to grow up and if I live by myself , no one can help me"
Honey ! Mom will be always there for you and help you , no matter where you are and how old you are.
It is also hard for Mom to face that my baby is growing up........

Sunday, September 12, 2010

9 kids , 9 adults

小乖和小土豆  两小無猜的在玩球吔  好開心了

小毛家的两個宝貝女兒都長好大了吔  本來有9大 9小 大人和小朋友打成平手  後來小毛先生趁中午休息跑來參加"幫派聚會" 形成10 大 9 小  大人人數暫時領先 
小乖真的很乖  只有這張相片被阿姨拍的這個好笑的鏡頭   小圈真的像她的姑姑說的眼睛的張好大看你  好像糾察隊的   佳霖家的宝貝
我們人數眾多下次要360 度的廣角來拍

Girls' Day 高中女生組 1

We were all in Gin Mei Girls' high school back to few years ago ( ha... we still pretty young , can't tell how many years ago). Time does fly. We all got married, have family and kids around us. 高中女人幫哈 我們也才離開高中沒幾年呀 沒想到大家都為人妻為人娘了

Thursday, September 9, 2010

David's School

one of the volunteer dad to help teach kids play soccer is from New England(with the red pointer) . He is in Taiwan for 18 years now , his kids are in 3rd and 1st grades. He talks to David in English most of time to make David feel more comfortable.

David is playing the soccer
Corner view of David's new school
David's new Classmates
Guong Guan Elementary School 公館國小 is David's new school , here is the blog of David's class. David is working hard to pick up the Chinese, I have to say that I appreciate all of the teachers and school's help. Miss Anne Huang is David's 4th grade teacher , she helps a lot during David's class time. The counselors and resource class teacher are also provide me a lot of resource to help David at home. I believe with Time goes by , David will be ok !

The weekend before School start

Yung Ching Hsiao is our Friend/roommate in Columbus

David's old time friends and meet in Taiwan again , Joyce, David and Victor