Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Night Market Fun 夜市樂

Before school start, let's go to night market to have some fun , again. David is using the "paper net" to catch the fish. 開學前 再去夜市玩玩吧!!!
Favor pin ball game 打彈珠喔!!!
Another game 不同的遊戲
David is trying to get the toy
Yes, he did it.
Look at David's face. he told me "mom, I feel that you just like Garfield, keep eating...." My answer :. ....@#$@#$ 媽媽舅舅 你們倆一直吃 好像那個加菲貓喔!

錢錢射汔球很準喔! David is pretty good at shooting the ballon

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