Friday, August 20, 2010

Instant dry noodle 科學麵

When we are little , we LOVE to have this kind of instant dry noodle, you just need to crash the noodle, add the seasoning in , shake it and eat it.( of course , you can add the hot water in and eat it like usual instant noodle, but sorry , we all LOVE this crazy way to eat it) It doesn't have a lot of nutrition, so people doesn't like kids to eat too much. But David and I both LOVE it . 小時候很愛的王子麵 現在變科學麵 沒想到錢錢也很愛 就這樣乾乾的吃 很過癮

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you