Monday, October 5, 2009


<-- 再見了 我的門牙牙橋 Goodbye , my front teeth bridge ....
<-- you can tell I'm missing left side of teeth. 你可以看到 我左邊的牙齒不見了
錢錢挖冰淇淋 要給我吃 他說他上次抜牙 我也是給他冰淇淋吃 David is serving ice cream for me, because he said , last time when he got his teeth pull out, I gave him ice cream , so he wants to do the samething for me.
我的牙不好 在台做好的沒清乾淨 從牙根壞起 只好把牙橋都拆了 抜了 還好我在這有個好牙醫 抜掉後 三個月再種植牙 礙於這是家庭部落格 有血有肉的不能post 我怕嚇死大家
I have dntal problem, but I also have BAD lucy for my teeth too... I got the front teeth bridge done in Taiwan. somehow the one of the teeth didn't get complete clean, so.... it rot from the root. so whole bridge has to go.... Today I got my teeth pull out (need to done by oral surgery) .... Lucy for me , I have good dentist in ohio , she always helps me out. So she is going help me fix the problem. Due to the blood , I don't think I should post it. Maybe I can post it for Halloween....ha...

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