Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July 2010 美國國慶

美國國慶一個堂而皇之的理由可以放煙火 媽媽我只有到超市去買買一般的 就是那種只會冒煙和扔到地上才會爆的小炮給小朋友玩 July 4th -- another good excuse to play the firework. I only went to supermarket to get the firework , which only "smoke". Safty is the 1st
A-mom(grandmom) wants to run away , then realize the "bomb" only smoke....!!!阿媽本來要跑了以為要鞭炮要炸了 結果只有放煙而己小帥看的目不轉睛 爬上車頂看煙火Enjoy the firework on the roof of van

1 comment:

Jean said...

Hi Angel, this is ChingHsien. How are you doing. We are doing fine in Seattle. Can you please send me an email when you saw this message. I would like to ask some questions about the Chinese school.


Ching-Hsien Shu (舒静娴)