Tuesday, March 30, 2010

David's 2nd Recital 錢錢的第二次鋼琴表演

David's Piano Teacher Teresa
Peter,Clair , Teresa (back row ) Liam, David, Austin(front Row)

錢錢在要表演前的一個月課本不見了 跟amazon 訂結果沒送到 搞了半天到要表演前的二天才送到 才加緊 練了 一下 . 看的出來錢錢有點緊張 我想可能是練習不夠吧 David lost his piano book ( part is my fault) around month ago. finally , I reordered from Amazon 2 weeks ago, but the order was send to wrong address... so we didn't get the book until 2 days before the recital. You can see David is a little bit nervous I think part of reason is he didn't have enough practice

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

v( ̄︶ ̄)y 很棒唷 阿姨給你拍拍手