one of the volunteer dad to help teach kids play soccer is from New England(with the red pointer) . He is in Taiwan for 18 years now , his kids are in 3rd and 1st grades. He talks to David in English most of time to make David feel more comfortable.
David is playing the soccer
Corner view of David's new school
David's new Classmates
Guong Guan Elementary School 公館國小 is David's new school , here is the blog of David's class. David is working hard to pick up the Chinese, I have to say that I appreciate all of the teachers and school's help. Miss Anne Huang is David's 4th grade teacher , she helps a lot during David's class time. The counselors and resource class teacher are also provide me a lot of resource to help David at home. I believe with Time goes by , David will be ok !
Thanks for keeping up on your blog! It is fun to see what you are up to. David's school looks very nice. I am glad things are going well.
Hi Hi HI Emma , I miss you too. how's Ethan's football. School work is hard for David. He did cry couple times already . you know writting the Chinese is not easy, that's the biggest challenge for him.
Hi Angel, I know you are doing a great job helping David adjust! Keep the pictures coming...I really enjoy seeing what your life is like now :)
Go! Go! Go! David, I truly believe you can conquer the difficulties at school. You are in the stage of adaptaion to new environment. Time will prove that. Aunt Sabrina will always open our door to you and your mom. ^_^
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