Aunt Angel , are you ready ??!!!! Allan is ready to color the egg. 阿姨 你嘛卡緊吔 我己經準備好要彩蛋了吔

彩蛋中 in the process of coloring eggs

彩蛋中 in the process of coloring eggs

讓我小帥"上"桌瞧個仔細 !!! Allan needs to "GET" on top of table to "check out" all the eggs.

Look our "Colorful eggs" 看我們的彩蛋

錢錢手上拿的是有笑臉的彩蛋 小帥還在想要拿那一個 David is holding a "smily" coloring egg. Allan is not sure which one he should pick.

小帥說: 你看藍色的蛋吔 Allan : blue Egg!!!!

All our eggs - has each person's name , English , Chinese, some smily face.. some dots... So... We had "Creative Coloring Egg" ... 我們的彩蛋 有每個人的名字 中英文 都有 還有笑臉 小點點 .... 結論是 我們有一個創意彩蛋
妞 也一起來玩啊
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