剛開始下雪 才四個小時就這樣了, The snow just start to fall for 4 hours , this is what you see.
前院 雪景 Our Front yard.
David just got off school , you can see my car.... 4.5 hours so far.......錢錢下課了
快來一張 我剛剷完雪 褲子都濕了 所以換睡褲 因為不打算出門了 本來想去妹妹家看看 只能放棄了, Hurry up , took a picture, I just done with my shoveling ... my jean is so wet, so I changed to my PJ, since I don't plan to go out anyway....( I was planning to check on my sister's home, I think I have to give up)
Sat Morning.... Too much snow, David still sleeping.... I have to get up earlier to shovel. 星期六一早 我馬上早起剷雪 錢錢還在睡 7:00 Am
David got up , after a quick breakfast , he went to shovel the side walk that I "save" for him. 錢錢起床後 吃了花生醬三明治 就去剷我故意留給他剷的走道
not bad , right ???!!! 剷的不錯吧 We only sledded couple times , becasue David's running nose get worse with the cold air.我們有去小小的滑了一下 只滑两三次而己 因為錢錢的"鼻子"還在流鼻涕 一遇到冷空氣就更慘 We made it to my sis's house, I sledded couple time on the way there , lucky me , all the cars are keep very good distance. All the main roads are fine... but....not others.. 我們總算到妹家了 途上 主要幹道都還好 其它的就很慘了 我打滑了好幾次 好險 其它車都離很遠 不然就..... 妹 .....本來不想幫你剷的 可是怕鄰居會罵你不剷走道害他們不能溜狗或是city會罰你 再加上今晚會冷到只剩零下十幾度 會變成冰更難剷 只好剷了 Dear Sis, I was not going to sholve for you , but I afraid your neighbors will complain about you don't shovel the sidewalk , then they can't walk their dogs... or City might fine you ...plus tonight the temp will down to 10F only, all the snow will become ice, then it will be MUCH MUCH harder to shovel.. David helps a lot too... It is not perfect shoveling .
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