Monday, February 22, 2010


David helps a-mom make dumplings 錢錢和阿媽一起包水餃
錢錢說 : 阿媽你不要笑我啦
鼻子癢 等一下
阿媽的好菜 八寶飯

David's Friend -Alex's BD party in GameWork

David's Classmate - Alex Birthday Party in Gamework .

David and Max were racing the cars

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

奇怪的冬天 crazy Winter

from my room to view the back yard. 從我臥房的窗戶看出去 爸蓋的小木屋上己經是厚厚的一層了

努力的鏟 雪堆的都快比我高了 Working hard on shoveling... I think the snow is almost teller than me.

the fire hydrant is almost buried by the snow.消防栓只剩一點點 都快被雪淹沒了
趁現在在家做 紅豆酥餅和蘿蔔絲餅

Chinese New Year Day

荊哥哥和荊伯伯 .
美美的麗君和娘 我是去插花的 Beautiful Li Jueng and Mom.. I am just foil for them in the photo...

Goofy me .that is liqueur in my hand
Stephen with Allan Part II in Feb 2010
Stephen with Allan Part I -- in Aug 2009
You can tell Michael didn't take Babysitting Class before...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year Party with Friends

全体大集合 Everyone says: Happy New Year
Wow!!! a lot of food....
紅包大集合 不是 sorry 是小朋友大集合

來喔!!!! 慢來減一包喔!!!

2010 Winter Olympic Game Shirt

Aunt Amy from Vacouver , thank you

家裡new year

先殺出一條"雪"路來 才能去燒金紙 we have to shovel a path ,first.

大家很高興的吃年夜飯錢錢很高興 大家也笑的很開心 因為他發現了一個秘密

錢錢: 阿媽 ,你看花 .
阿媽: 花很漂亮啊
錢錢: 黑....... (10秒後來
阿媽: 哇 !!! 蠟燭放太高太靠近花了 把花都燒黑了

紅黑帶 - Red/black Belt

Performan the form 打太極"某"場 就是打形啦

破板 真的是一刀未剪 一氣呵成 害我來不及拍 Board breaking.. No edit ... My fault to taking the video too slow ...
對打 Sparring... 那個對打的男孩比錢錢大 That Boy is bigger than David...
和Master Amy拍 和Mr. Boles 升帶成功
好險有二個小朋友沒有成功破板 所以不能升帶 要等下星期再考一次 there are two kids didn't break board successfully .. so they can't promote to next level. they would need to do the make up test next week.

reading--David and Allan

錢錢在看書 David is reading a book.
小帥也要看 只是拿錯邊了 Allan also want to read like David. just upside down....

Friday, February 12, 2010


錢錢很喜歡吃五香乖乖 這只有奶油 巧克力的口味沒有五香的 只好請阿媽從台灣帶回來 沒想到小帥也很喜歡喔 两個人搶著吃吔 !!!

回來了吔 Back to Ohio

Walk out the gate....回來了喔!!
Jet lag .... Allan is sleeping while no support behind the head 時差喔!!!! 頭沒人扶 都可以立著睡
play car for 1 second , then fall in sleep on the airport floor 才玩車車小1 秒 小帥就因為時差趴在機場地上要睡了
Open the gift from Uncles , aunts and Dad.. 打開舅舅送的禮物 還有爸爸送的
Wow a lot of Pokemon cards.. pocket monster miniatures... pokemom towel. 好多的pokemon 卡 ,小公仔 還有毛巾

power miner

again , David Finished Power Miner in 1 days