Monday, September 7, 2009

芝加哥 我們又來了

7:00 am 我們要出發了 LOOK David still sleepy,but Allan is AWAKE!!!!
If you can smell it , you know what is Allan doing We are on the highway , but the windows are all open .如果你聞的到的話 你一定知道小帥在做啥 我們在高速公路上 可是窗戶是開的喔!!!
Close to Chicago but we need a place to use restroom, then we found this HUGE outlet 看阿媽的表情 天啊 好便宜喔!!!
yum!!! 好吃的Dipping dot.
巨大日式超市的門口 正好在我們的hotel 附近 Huge Japan super market , just near by our hotel
David's Favor Sushi with a box of flying fish eggs.
too spicy 媽媽說 辣吔 韓式炒年糕 泡菜湯 和海鮮餅
吔 好舒服的床喔!!!
小帥好愛喝一種drink 是麥做的有發酵 會@#$@#$
看我媽的表情 就知道小帥喝的是啥了吧 不然看桌上也知道了吧
My mom bought me the turtle bread, I was going to keep it to the morning, when I woke up, my aunt already bit his head off . 我買了一個烏龜造型的麵包 晚上錢錢不想吃 就想留著做早餐好了 結果早上一起來 一看 頭不見了 原來是我妹吃掉了
hotel lobby 大廳
錢錢和我要去 sears tower 因為有 skydeck 經過了漫長的隊伍 我們終於要去坐電梯去103 floor 了
看看 錢錢的臉 we are stepping on the Skydeck NOW , look at David's Face

貴貴喔!!!錢錢!! you don't want to know the price.
錢錢和歐巴馬?? 哈
最上面那三個小黑點 就是 skydeck . the three little dots are the skydecks
you know what I just ate right , D@#% Donuts ha.....
一定是要到中國城來吃的嘛 回家了 喔!!! 錢錢手上是紀念品在中國城買的 比sears tower 的少了一半的價格
這次車程都不能看電視 所以 !! we made it , no TV or Movie for all trip(we did watch in hotel)
"邪惡"的笑容 看小帥的嘴和眼神就是要跟我要東東吃
David wants to show the wind mills
Playing games 玩的吱吱叫
無尾熊 ???? 抱著阿媽的腳 睡到可香著喔???koala ???????

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

媽媽咪呀 站在skydeck上 一定很可怕 超過3秒就很了不起了吧 錢錢也不怕嗎