David was on the webcam with Jon, he told Jon that he misses Taiwan , he wants Jon pull the webcam to see outside. Too bad the cable are too short , so Jon offered David to see his toys in Taiwan . I heard that David made Jon go back and forward to get the toys he miss and scream about I want bring it to USA , but I forget . I have conculsion--Kids really can make parents do things ...HA..
錢錢和爸爸在用視訊說話 錢錢說他想台灣要jon 用視訊讓他看外面 可惜線太短 所以看不到 jon 只好說那看看玩具好不好 (這下可慘了) 我聽到jon 進進出出拿玩具好幾次 這個那個 還聽到兒子叫我想帶那個玩具回美國 可是忘記了 沒聽到爸爸抱怨 看來結論就是孩子真的能"驅動" 父母 哈