Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011

bike ride

My son grows up so fast. Last time when I saw my son ride the bike from his back, he was 4 . because I had to hold the bike seat to help him balance the bike when he learned how to bike. Now he is 10 , I even can't catch up with him while we bike. Kid does grow up fast, right?!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

David 和大舅舅

We had Fun !!Ya..

Click here按這看更多相片 to see the entire album

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kung Fu Panda and Jungle world

No explanation, you know what David is playing
Rita is trying to get the stuff animal .Xin-xuan is getting the stuff animal !!! Ricky didn't get the toy for the 1st try. ( I have to say , these machines are impossible to get anything out of them )

3D Glasses. Look at how much stuff they get from Jungle World

Jungle world is like Chuck-E-Cheese , after Kids watch Kung Fu Panda , they spend most time there. David watched Kung Fu Panda twice , one time is with Jon and me . 2nd time , Peggy invited us to watch with her kids, David had more fun ( I guess kids really like to play with kids ) , Thanks Peggy

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wed. afternoon Ice Cream

We went to ice cream shop after lunch. I added spirit into Rita's Chocolate ice cream , guess what Ricky added on his yogurt grape ice cream ?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Soccer Practice

Soccer Practice on Sunday afternoon