Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Night Market Fun 夜市樂

Before school start, let's go to night market to have some fun , again. David is using the "paper net" to catch the fish. 開學前 再去夜市玩玩吧!!!
Favor pin ball game 打彈珠喔!!!
Another game 不同的遊戲
David is trying to get the toy
Yes, he did it.
Look at David's face. he told me "mom, I feel that you just like Garfield, keep eating...." My answer :. ....@#$@#$ 媽媽舅舅 你們倆一直吃 好像那個加菲貓喔!

錢錢射汔球很準喔! David is pretty good at shooting the ballon

Yogurt Ice Cream 优格冰淇淋

We found the low fat yogurt ice cream shop . it is really nice and tasty. you can also add more fruits on the top. But I still miss all of different kinds yogurt in States. 這家在師大附近的优格冰淇淋店是阿斗仔要求要吃的 價格上我覺得OK 只是還是有點懷念美國那一堆有的沒有的优格 08/21

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Friends we know in Columbus

Sophia and Ching Chung are the friends we know in Columbus , they returned to Taiwan for few years. They have two cute girls. Thanks for taking David and me out for a nice meal .... Sophia still the same, didn't change at all. Same with her husband Ching Chung. When I saw him , I told him that you didn't change at all, even your hair style. He told me that he still ask his wife Sophia to cut his hair , that's why .....
David is enjoying the chocolate fountain In Ximan Station, one night that we were going to take subway home

Bike Ride in TaoYan XingWu 新屋

one night , I picked up the "bear cake" for David after his Taekwondo Class. 上完跆拳道 我還幫錢錢買了個85C的小熊蛋糕

Bike ride in XingWu "Green Tunnel" 1/3 ride is next to beach , too bad we didn't bring any clothes or swimsuit.

After the bike ride , we went to local fish market. We saw a lot of different fish and seafood.

YoungMing Mountain 陽明山

After David's Lego class , we still have some free time before dinner. So I decided to go to YoungMing mountain that near by Taipei and it will be cooler than in the city. Less then a hour , we were there. 錢錢上完樂高 距離晚餐還有些時間 所以就跑上陽明山啦!!!!! 至少比台北涼些 不到一小時我們就到了

Friday, August 20, 2010

science museum

David is "fishing" the shirmp. he got 5 shirmps. This is harder than I thought , because I only got 1 shirmp.Game Pick up his rewards

Inside of science museum , using the bubble to wrap hismself up .
static games
David with giant Chromosome
Getting understand about the cell. Don't worry , Science Museum has both English and Chinese version for almost everything.

square tire. It does move. So it is pretty fun


Instant dry noodle 科學麵

When we are little , we LOVE to have this kind of instant dry noodle, you just need to crash the noodle, add the seasoning in , shake it and eat it.( of course , you can add the hot water in and eat it like usual instant noodle, but sorry , we all LOVE this crazy way to eat it) It doesn't have a lot of nutrition, so people doesn't like kids to eat too much. But David and I both LOVE it . 小時候很愛的王子麵 現在變科學麵 沒想到錢錢也很愛 就這樣乾乾的吃 很過癮

Bowling 保齡球

Jon said he saw the nice bowling place when he took bus around the Taipei city that he would like to take David and me to visit it. So here we are. JON 說他坐車時 經過中和一家不錯的保齡球館 想帶錢錢和我去瞧瞧 所以我們就來了 I got a "open" , I think you can tell from my face. 我洗溝啦 ~~ 我想你們看我的表情就知道了
I don't know what are they discussing at that point. 我不知他們倆在討論個啥勁 8/7/2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


One thing , I promised David is , no matter where he is , he will continue learning Taekwondo.

My Dad is black belt four degree master . We found this phots in the Taekwondo Academy. This photo was taken 18 years ago.
我答應過錢錢 不管我們在那都會去學跆拳道 我爸也是錢錢的阿公是黑帶四段的教練 我們去上的"健身跆拳道" 在內湖路二段(德安百貨後面) 還有爸的相片 這張大約是十八年前拍的吧
This is before class , kids are playing the ball as one of the warm up games. 上課前小朋友在玩球也當做是暖身的一種 David is trying to make a shot 錢錢準備投籃
In end of class ,they also have some activities/games to help training and improving kids physical, athletic abilities最後也會玩一些遊戲 利用遊戲來訓練和加強小朋友的運動敏捷性喔


錢錢"帶壞" 謙謙 打DS 喔!!!
好棒喔!!! 吃完飯 吃冰又吃蛋糕喔!!!!