Thursday, July 29, 2010

to Tokyo

This is the view from the flight. David loves the view.
Lucy for David. he had empty seat next to him on the way to Tokyo , that is 12 hours flight. We only slept for 3 hours.
one of the shops in Tokyo airport. David wants to have the pokemon coins which is on the right side of picture. You can see from his face, we were tired.

Detroit Airport

We need to go through two buildings to connect the flight to Tokyo
Nice, fancy light tunnel
They even have Express train , but we didn't take it ,because David wants to have Chicken nuggets from McDonald that is located between the stations.
Water fountain with "water dance", pretty cool

On the Way to Taipei - Columbus to Detroit

We left Columbus on July 19,2010 . It is hard....
Angel , Waverly , Baby Allan, David, My mom, Yuming Allan was trying to push the "carry on" Luggage After we passed the security gate, David started to cry so hard , because he knew he will miss all of the friends , school and things in OhioWhen we arrivaled Detriot , the pilot let David set in the pilot seat and explained all the equipments for him
The flight from Columbus to Detriot is small flight , so they made us to carry all of the bags ( we have 4 heavy carry-on bags) from 2 floors to hardstand/apron. No elevator , so David and I have to drag the bags thru stairs , step by step.....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kate's Birthday Party

4th of July 2010 美國國慶

美國國慶一個堂而皇之的理由可以放煙火 媽媽我只有到超市去買買一般的 就是那種只會冒煙和扔到地上才會爆的小炮給小朋友玩 July 4th -- another good excuse to play the firework. I only went to supermarket to get the firework , which only "smoke". Safty is the 1st
A-mom(grandmom) wants to run away , then realize the "bomb" only smoke....!!!阿媽本來要跑了以為要鞭炮要炸了 結果只有放煙而己小帥看的目不轉睛 爬上車頂看煙火Enjoy the firework on the roof of van

Friday, July 2, 2010

Wish me best from friends ..

這些相片 有好多說不出的感動也很多說不出的情緒 我...

Macaroni & Cheese --Too Good

David is reading the Comic for cousin Allan. I don't think Allan really gets it 錢錢和小帥在看"報紙"錢錢想吃 起司麵 我想反正還有一杯速成的 (只要微波3分就好) 就叫錢錢自己弄來吃 沒想到小帥也要 還两個人搶著吃 最後小帥為了"殘餘"的汁都吃的桌上去了 . late night, David wants to have Macaroni & Cheese. since we still have one Mac &Cheese Cup that only need microwave for 3 minutes , I let David handle his own late night snack. but I didn't think Allan would like to have some ... Look ,he even climbed on the table just for the remnants of "juice" 所以身為媽媽又為阿姨的我 只好又下廚為我宝貝兒子和宝貝侄子煮上一大鍋的Mac & Cheese . End up .. As Mom and as "The BEST" aunt, I cooked WHOLE POT of Mac & Cheese for them .

Thursday, July 1, 2010

David's Zipline

補上錢錢在kalahri resort 玩zipline 的video