Saturday, June 26, 2010

Frog Jump Festival 青蛙跳跳節

今年是我們第一次參加青蛙跳跳節 小朋友選好一隻青蛙 就可以開始參戰了
This is the first year we attend the "Frog Jump Festival ". Everyone can bring your own frog or pay a dollar to pick your frog.
錢錢選的的青蛙 第一隻太胖 太累 了 跳不動在阿媽的指導下再選了一隻短小精悍型的 . The first frog David picked was too "fat" maybe too" tired" , it does't like to jump at all. So after A-mom(grandmom) told David some tricks, David picked an "athletic" frog. Yes , he had too much fun with that frog Ready to start . right to left "Michael, Andy and David" 拍地上想叫青蛙跳 want to make the frog jump by slapping the ground

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kalahari Resort 2010

Becuase of the conference , we can visit Kalahari Resort this year again . This year the resort added the Zip Line , Rope Course and more for kids. 因為公司開會的關係 所以我們可以去kalahari resort 住上幾晚 今年和去年一樣 是住lodge room 浴室裡還有按摩浴缸 光是放水就要放上好一陣子 裡會還有全套的廚房 所以媽媽就醃好了肉和肋排來烤 今年kalahari 還加蓋了zip line 等的陸上活動 所以 不想玩水時還可以玩陸上的活動 基本上住在kalahari 是那都不用再去 因為 除了很大的室內室外的water park 還有 mini golf game room 下午還可以裝飾cookie 給自己吃 廚房 kitchenbedroom

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Afternoon 悠閒的下午

我妹為了兒子想騎腳踏車 只好"屈"腳為兒騎車 Because Allan wants to ride the bike. My sister has to "sacrifice" her legs to ride the little bike for her son!!!! ha...
after the bike ride , Grandmom , Allan and David are enjoying the popsicle 看阿媽 錢錢 小帥 在吃冰棒的快樂樣子
Bike Ride 騎腳踏車喔

Dragon Boat Festival 端午節

Dragon Boat Festival 端午節
準備好材料 竹葉 糥米 魯肉 花生 香菇 Get all the material ready : Bamboo leaves , peanuts, mushroom , sweet rice. I MADE this on 這個是我做的吔
crazy me was making a pyramid-shaped mass of sweet rice wrapped in bamboo leaves 瘋媽我正在包粽子
小帥來了 直接"下手"挖來吃 Allan is here . Directly he "digged" into the rice

Saturday, June 12, 2010

fire station open house 消防隊開放參觀

upper arlington 的消防隊重新整修後 今天有開放給大家去參觀 還有熱狗,玉米花, 冰淇淋給大家吃 裡面的設備可好了 有健身房是一定的有的啦 還有 xbox 一個好棒的大廚房 平面液晶大電視 消防員和救難人員還一一解釋設備 回答每個人的問題 (錢錢居然問了一個有關呼吸急救的用器 他們還告訴錢錢 他們可以在車上進行的手術讓病人可以呼吸的方式 我都快昏了 )
Upper Arlington open the fire station for people to visit. kind of open house after they remodeled their station. Some local sponsors provided Hot dog, pop corn, ice cream, balloons and some toys.
The new station is really nice, the gym is necessary , Xbox, Flat Plasma Screen TV.. Fire truck , ambulance . The Fire fighter and the paramedic (EMT) explaine and answer all of the quesitons that everyone asked. ( David asked them about one of the equipment , which use to help people breath. They also told David they have the ability to cut a hole and put in tub for patience in the ambulance if they have to help the patience to breath.OMG.... just thinking about it , that already makes me almost pass out)

David with the antique firetruck 錢錢和古董消防車
這裡就是消防員"滑"下去的的竿子 還有消防員應一位阿媽的要求 當場示範"滑"下去 真的很快吔 David's favor... Here is the Pole that fire fighters "slide" down. There is
a lady who asked fire fighter to show us how to slide down from the pole. WOW..I have to tell you , it is really fast and cool.
Inside the fire truck
David, Allan and me

We are doing the "POLE DANCE" 我們在跳鋼管舞

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cherry U-Pick 採櫻桃

Fruit Farm open the cherry u-pick on 06/10, which is the first day of David's Summer break .So... here we come.. The weather is really nice. not too hot , no rain.Sunny day... Ya... 水果場開放採櫻桃 也是錢錢暑假的第一天 天氣也好的不得了 所以我們就出發去了
Sebanstein and David. look at David , he just picked up a "small cherry" 德恩和錢錢 錢錢在看剛採下的小櫻桃
Me on the top of Cherry Tree, thanks Christ took the photo for me. 我在櫻桃樹下 感謝荊山幫我拍的
group photo 團體照

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Last few days in Bluffsview

Last few days in Bluffsivew are Party time , field day. look at the background , inflatable toys, water games. All the kids needs bring extra set of clothes or wear swimsuit/bathing suit . Also each grade has its own color tie-dye shit that kids made by themselves. 錢錢小三的最後幾天都是在全校開party的情況下度過 看相片的最後有吹氣式的大玩具 還有一堆玩水的遊戲 大 家都還要多帶衣服或是穿泳衣. 每一年級都要穿自己個的tie dye shit 一個顏色代表一個年級
錢錢在跑接力playing the group race.
ready for lunch

David's 3rd Grade teacher - Mrs. Williams

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Brian 家

許嚴的爸爸 也是打棒球的高手喔!!! 由他指點錢錢 真是太好了 我這個媽 手眼的協調不太好 球停在那我都打不到了更何況是會飛的球
Brian's Dad "coached" David how to swing the bat. It is wonderful for David, because my hand and eye coordination is NOT good. I can't even hit the ball at all.

元元 許嚴 和錢錢


因為Memorial weekend 周一休假 所以我和媽 錢錢就去走走 隨手拍了两張相片 錢錢也把別人送他的 star war 的 自製"岩漿" 拿出來玩 就是baking soda and vinegar.