Sunday, May 30, 2010

Buca di Beppo

Appetizer 開胃菜
忘了拍照 吃到一半才想起來 pizza, Stuffed Shells, Eggplant Parmigiana
This is the best , Colossal Brownie Sundae 布朗尼冰淇淋聖代 12塊布朗尼加上香草和巧克力冰淇淋 上面再加鮮奶油 巧克力醬
Twelve decadent chunks of freshly-baked brownies layered with six scoops of vanilla bean and chocolate gelato, topped with caramel and chocolate sauces
As soon as Allan saw the dessert . no one can stop him ....after "BIG" meal .. this is what we did

Camp in Backyard

烤棉花糖Roast marshmallows
帳篷搭好了 tent is ready
Neighbor joined us for the BBQ and brought us beautiful flower 鄰居也來喔!!! 還帶來美美的花
Getting ready to sleep 準備要睡了喔!

Baseball game

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Fun--週末樂

I ran into my cousin,Michael this morning in volunteer work. sometime I have to make myself to believe that Michael is big man now, not the little boy I meet 13 years ago. 我們志工活動上巧遇Michael 我有時要強迫我自己去相信Michael 己經是大男人了 不再是我13年前遇到的那個小男生
David and Sebastian is playing the Wii. after that, we went to park. It was HOT today.. Water is not enough... here we come , Rita Ice.錢錢和德恩在玩wii , 之後我們去公園玩 其實今天挺熱的喝水是不夠的 所以啦 !!! Rita Ice 我們來了
Ellen and Spencer 德恩的弟弟和媽媽
小帥也有來玩喔!!!自己吃冰 玩的臉的紅紅的 Allan joined us too. Look at him, ate the ice by himself.
David and Sebastian

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Testing for Probationary Black Belt

升帶考 打形 Form
Ready to put the attacker to ground . 要把攻擊者絆倒在地
Sparring 對打

Board Breaking 踢板
我動作太慢 沒想到錢錢一上去就馬上踢破了 我相機都還沒準備好 所以只有拍到後半段 . Sorry , I was too slow, I didn't think David will break board so fast that my cramera is not even ready ..... So I only got the half part of the Board Breaking.
Become Probationary Black Belt 升成準黑帶了

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Dad's BD 爸的生日

若是今年爸還在 那就是滿滿60歲了 爸愛吃肉 媽後來還是決定做和買幾樣菜來拜 . If Dad still alive , he would be 60 years old this year. Since Dad is a "Meat Eater". Mom decided to make and buy some "meat" dishes for Dad.
小帥看我們在拜拜的樣子也要參一腳來湊熱鬧 . Allan wants to participate too.
Kroger had Free Milk Shake from 2-6pm today. Allan did enjoy his "little" milk shake. Kroger 今天有免費的奶昔 一個人可以拿一大杯 所以錢錢下課後我們就去報到 你看小帥喝的可高興了咧

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Field Trip to Old Worthington

every kid need to dress up like 18 centry colony 小朋友們去校外教學 還要打扮成18世紀殖民人喔!!

inside of Orange Johnson house

In St. John's Church. having historical talk and doing some printing

Weekend movie

We had lunch in Arby's. This is Allan's favor game. "hit " people with his head. 我們去arby 吃午餐 小帥現在最新玩法 "用他的頭撞別人的頭" 來顯式他的愛

我老了 I'm old.... OMG ...
我們去看了最新的3D電影 "How to train your dragon" 粉貴的票 不過偶爾. We usually just watch 2nd run movie which is much cheaper than the new movie. but David wants to watch the new 3D movie how to train your dragon . since it is 3D so it is new movice price plus 3 D glasses that add 3 dollars more for each person...

Saturday, May 15, 2010


上中文學校前坐在外面吃麵包和喝湯 享受一下讓太陽 "烤" 的滋味 We got some soup , bread and one slice of pizza. eat our lunch outdoor. enjoy the nice sunshine

Did you see this bike does not have pedal?這台腳踏車沒有踏板 要用平衡感來滑動
中文學校 Chinese School Picnic , more dishes , but I have to eat so no photos... ha.. (sorry , hot dog, humberger.... chip... all of the junk food) 野餐喔 !!還有好多菜 我急著吃 所以沒有拍啦
小朋友在玩啦!!! 注意到了嗎?? 錢錢剪頭髮了喔!! kids are playing. did you notice one thing ??? David got the hair cut !!!