Thursday, April 15, 2010


洗澡二人組 Take bath together
小帥打錢錢的"鐵證" 阿好!!小帥 你打我兒子 我先給你 "寄給壁"

Monday, April 12, 2010


We got on the road around the midnight. this is around 1:30 AM in the car. 我們大約是午夜出發的 這是约1:30 am 左右
約2:30 am . 3:30時大家都醒了 包括小帥 在車上玩的吱吱叫 一直到五點多才又睡著 We took this photo around 2:30 am . but around 3:30 , everyone is awake,including Allan . We all had fun in the car , screaming , laughing and chatting, but around 5:00. Both kids fall in sleep again.....
Friday 7:30 Am in the morning. We are walking on the sidewalk in Washington D.C. YA!!!!早上七點三十 我們己經走在華盛頓特區的人行道上吔!
Here is the Washington Monument!!! We did visit White House Visitor Center, but I didn't take the photo inside , but when we walk out the building, the Sun just came out from the cloud , the weather is warming up .. getting better and better . 我們有去white house visitor center 但是我沒有拍照 走出white house visitor center 時 太陽從雲裡跑出來了 天氣也越來越暖和了吔!

錢錢很愛去Air and Space Museum. 如果不是他肚子太餓了 他可能還會在那待上一整天 David LOVES Air and Space Museum. He was too hungry to stay inside longer, otherwise I think he can be in museum whole day long ( you won't believe how long the lines are for the McDonald in the museum)

Eating the Clam Chowder on the road .... you see all of the seafood in the background .
on the way to Capital. Both of them just sit on the road. ha..
inside of Capital

I'm lifting up the Washington Monument. 錢錢舉起獨立紀念碑 Lincoln Memorial
動物的大門 ( 不收門票吔 ) The front Door for the national zoo. the admission is free. how wonderful it is. it is like park style , so it is very comfortable walk inside the zoo. Of course We did see PANDA

David's Favor Reptile animal
Louisa is my high school classmate. They lives in the DC area for more than 10 years.( we only had dinner in Taiwan around 4 years ago ). It is the first time I meet her husband Larry and little boy Nathan. Nan-Nan is really cute, I love to hear his laughing , it makes me happy too. The older boy is Ethan , a year younger than David. Very nice and sweet.He gave me a kiss and hug before we said good-bye. It is hard to believe we are all become a mom and wife. Especially for me. Time does fly. I can't stop chatting with Louisa. life in USA, kids, work, family and more... It is also because they live in DC area , so we got chance to eat a lot of wonderful food. the Pekin roast duck, Shushi..bubble tea, Spicy chicken 陳瑩璐是我高中同學 除了四年前在台短短的見了一面 這是我第一次見到她的先生和小兒子 小兒子很可愛的吔 和錢錢 玩ds 可起勁了 老大很貼心和錢錢都是個溫和的小朋友 和陳瑩璐見了面 我就吱吱喳喳停不下來一直聊 十幾年來在美的生活 老公 小孩 上班 說都說不完 真的是時光飛逝 也因為 lousia and larry 是"在地人" 所以我們也吃到很多好吃的美食 像是北京飯店的烤鴨 韓國店的各式各樣的shushi 珍珠奶茶 鹽酥雞 錢錢可是樂翻了喔
大爺吃飯 你們在看啥 ME-- ALLAN is Eating my food, what are you guys looking at ?!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekend night

大爺在吃 比司吉 和豆漿 享受的樣子 Allan is enjoying his biscuit and soy milk.
We are watching Panel 51

Super Egg hunt and Super Potluck

Too late to take pictures.. so of dishes are all gone....太晚想到拍照了 都搶光了

好開心喔!!! 快吃喔!!!
全部的小朋友 David is looking for Eggs 錢錢在找蛋我在做怪 Look at my new hat ... ha..
小帥說: 我也有蛋吔 Allan : See... I have egg too
小帥把他老爸 "趴" 下去, 說 :"啊 你嘛走快點啦"