Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas 2009

aunt nancy is opening the gift
因為大家都忙的關係 很難敲定時間 所以婆家那邊的我們就提前過了 David keeps tell us this is not turtle......

Every one got LEGO set
Nora is opening gift...
quick Snapshpt in store .....
YES!! David finished the LEGO set again! He got it on the night of 12/20. 12/21-23 he still have winter camp during daytime and TaeKwondo in the evening . Yes , he finished on 12/24 morning.I don't know how he did it. 沒錯 錢錢又完成了樂高組合 !!! 20日晚上拿到的 21-23 白天有camp 晚上要上跆拳道 他居然有辨法在 24 日的早上就完成了

阿媽抱小帥 準備耶誕大餐 costco 的帝王蟹腳和烤雞 kroger 的雪蟹腳 日本店的關東煮 中國店的叉燒肉 guacamole 和chip 我的沙拉和水果盤 !!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


當美東大雪的那二天 Columbus Ohio 只有那麼一些 dust 地上就那麼些"思樂冰" 錢錢去剷driveway上的雪也用不到什麼力氣 不夠過癮還要用個小雪人

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

David's First Recital 錢錢的第一次獨奏會

Look at Ruby The teacher is very nice nice lady !!! Thank Thereasa . Thereasa made nice cookies for all of us and drink ... Thanks

錢錢9月中才開始學彈琴 家裡並不沒有琴 所以錢錢都是用keyboard 練習的 到12月 才3個月 就遇上年度獨奏會 所以錢錢就上場了 David didn't start to learn play piano until middle of Sep. So up to today 12/18, 3 months only ... We don't have piano at home, we use keyboard, but David still practice when I ask him to do it...then here are the videos for David's first recital.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Allan -- 1 year old - I want to do it myself

笑的好開心不知道在笑啥 ... dont' know the reason why Allan is so so happy?????
Here is the answer : Beer !!!! 答案在這 : 啤酒啦!!! 乾啦!!!!
please note : the Beer bottle is empty 請注意 啤酒罐是空的啦!!!!
茫茫啦!!! 妹妹說這樣像不像流浪漢
try to use chopstick 想要用筷子
還是用手比較快 ( I think using the hand is much faster than using chopsticks)

Spencer !!! 2 years old BD party

好快一年又過了spencer 两歲了 今年不再騎在哥哥的頭上 而是和哥哥們玩的好開心 跑著讓哥哥們追 吃蛋糕也都自己來了呢 哥哥們也跟著他把奶油吃的滿臉才高興 time does fly!!!!! Spencer is 2 now!He plays with big boys.. chases them around. look all of them eating the cake.... everyone just wants to be Spencer who has cream on all over the face...

2009 Chinese School Speech Contest

為了要小朋友好好學中文 中文學校還要辨speech contest 來鼓勵小朋友 下星期還要給大家吃pizza 看小朋友準備時的表情 . In order to make kids feel learning Chinese is fun , Chinese School had speech contest this past Sat. It is not real contest, the teachers set up a lot of games for kids to practice their Chinese and collect all of the points once kids past the games. This coming Sat. CCA( Columbus Chinese Academy) will have Pizza party for everyone as reward...

Saturday Sparring

有時星期六早上會帶錢錢去對打 因為人少所以會有比較多的機會和"高手 師兄"練習 30-40分鐘下來也夠他累的 我自己看了都累

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

COSI - open house

COSI 就像台中科學博物館 cosi 每年都有一次免費的回饋日 所以錢錢和我就會"趁機"去撈一撈 我們一早就先去看 3d 的movie 是有關恐龍的 所有的小朋友們都看的投入
錢錢在玩雷射反射 相片裡看不出來有紅色的雷射喔
錢錢在排隊拿禮物 Get in the line fot the "give away"
錢錢和工作人員在製造"雲" David and the instructor are making the "cloud"

Sunday, December 6, 2009

小帥的1st 生日

小帥1歲了 從 6 lbs 長到己經 22 lbs 了 回家不和他打招呼還會你 "嗆"聲 他的生日 妹妹安排大家去拍照 下星期才拿的到 拍起來真的長大了吔
look at Allan's innocent face, then look at everyone's suprise face..... look at Allan's fingers and the cake. 看看小帥的無辜表情 再看看大家驚嚇的表情 再看小帥的手和蛋糕 哈
That's how I teach Allan to eat cake 這就是我教小帥吃蛋糕的方式 徒手捉
Look Allan's eyes , only focus on cake 看小帥專注在那 ??
Before Allan eats cake , this is what he did.吃蛋糕前 小帥要先"解"一下
皇太子如廁 眾人遀待 不可怠慢